Sunday, March 28, 2010

So.... live blogging...

...didn't really work for me.  I found it to be a distraction and a hassle when I just really wanted to soak up everything from the conference. So, as you may have noticed, I stopped!  I loved the idea of it to begin with, but when it came right down to it I just felt like I didn't have enough time to put up quality, well thought out posts.

With that said, there is still a ton of stuff I want to share with you all about this conference.  I walked away feeling refreshed and re-inspired!  As Lorri Flem said (who actually read my blog last night, by the way!!!  AAAAAH!!  And she commented!!  I feel tremendously honored and humbled!), I am equipped to make the changes that are needed in my home, now I just need to do it! 

So, until I have the chance to sit down and really give you guys the meat of how the Lord impacted me this weekend, and it really was incredible, I want to encourage all of you to go over and check out Lorrie's Teach Magazine.  I am confident that you all will glean as much from her teachings (magazine, books and MP3s/CDs) as I have this weekend!  And hey, the magazine is even on same right now, so why not get a subscription while you're there?!  I did yesterday and am so excited to have such a wonderful resource at my finger tips!

Oh, and by the way, Lorrie is not paying me to say these things!  I was just so clearly spoken to through her workshops this weekend that I really want all of you to have that same opportunity!

More to come hopefully in the next day or so!

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