Sunday, September 16, 2007

BOLD Red Tent Event

I am so excited for next weekend! Chic & Savvy Mamas will be doing our very first show- and what a show it will be! It is called The BOLD Red Tent Event (BOLD Stands for Birth On Labor Day). It is going to be at SFCC for 1:00 to 5:00, featuring Birth: A Play by Karen Brody at 2:00. Admission is $5.00. Basically, these events are being help all over the nation in hopes of getting communities to offer Mother-Friendly maternity care. Our area is desperately in need of such an event and for a turn in how our community approaches birth. Along with the play there will be products and professionals all relating to birth, breastfeeding, babywearing, cloth diapering- pretty much anything natural parenting related. If you aren't into the whole "natural parenting thing" you should still consider coming, however. This event is for all women who have had babies or plan on having babies- we need to be informed!

So, if you haven't already guessed, I have been doing a lot of preparing for this show and therefore have not had much time online to blog (as I would have liked!). Darn it! I will try to get on during the next week, but if I can't and you happen to be in the area, I would love to meet you in person at the BOLD Event! Just look for Chic & Savvy Mamas! See you there!

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