Monday, March 29, 2010

It is Finished!

I can't believe I am actually writing this right now, especially with the amount of catch up I had to do over the weekend (I read from 1 Thessalonians to Revelation yesterday... only partially neglecting my family), but I actually read the Bible in 90 days.  90 DAYS!!  Cover to cover!  The whole shabang!

And do you know what I am walking away with?  An overwhelming sense of being loved!  The Bible is just one big love story and that was abundantly clear as I read it as one whole account, one continuous book.  I am also coming away with a great new habit- getting in the word EVERY day, at least a little bit!  I have meant to do it for years, but having only missed 3 days in the past 3 months has shown me even more personally how important that discipline is!

With that said, I am not planning on re-embarking on this mission again in the near future.  It was wonderful but it was a LOT of work and time.  Not that spending that much time in the Word is a bad thing (of course not- it was well worth it!), but now I hope to be able to devote more of that time to reflection, meditation, study and prayer, along with reading.  I may try this challenge again in the future (probably when I don't have a baby), but right now the sheer number of verses I have underlined from this time around would be enough to keep me busy studying for the next 10 years!

So what is my plan next?  Well, a while ago I received The Voice translation of the New Testament from Thomas Nelson for review, so I plan to work my way back through the New Testament doing a comparison study of this new translation to the NIV.  I plan to kind of take it as it comes, but aim for 5-7 pages a day.  We'll see how it goes!

If you think you might be interested in getting in on the action of the next online Bible in 90 Days challenge you can visit Mom's Toolbox for all the details!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Great job! What an amazing accomplishment!