Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Early Bird Challenge- Day 3, B90Days- 5: Off to the Races!

Right now it is 7:40am.  I have been awake for about an hour and 20 minutes and by miracle of all miracles Lion Cub is still asleep!  Granted it most likely won't last for much longer, but in this last hour+ I have been able to have breakfast, complete my Bible in 90 Days reading for today, clear my e-mail and begin blogging!  Woohoo!  I may still be exhausted from another night that should have ended much earlier in the evening (sometime soon that is really going to catch up with me) but the act that I really did it this morning spells out a HUGE victory in my book!

Bible in 90 Days promo button

Things are still going really well for my Bible in 90 Days reading (did you notice that I finally was able to snag the code for the button!?)!  I have been managing to get a head start each night on what I need to read for the next day and I feel like even having half a chapter read from the next day's reading helps give me that mental advantage in the morning of feeling like it is less of a chunk to handle.
I am hoping to work my way through Exodus even quicker than planned so that I can really have a leg up when heading into Leviticus in 3 days- I have a feeling that is when the enormity of this challenge is really going to hit me.

I am amazed by how much I am still getting out of the reading while moving through it so quickly!  It reads much more like a novel (so far) than I had expected and reading such large chunks in a day really does give you a better broad prospective of what is going on.  When the reading is broken in to smaller portions I think it is easy to forget some of the connections between people and similarities between stories.  All the while I am still noticing small things and little nuances that I hadn't ever seen before- even simple things like which plagues struck everyone in the land of Egypt versus which ones the Lord reserved for only the Egyptians.  Very interesting and enjoyable reading, and of course I can't help but love getting to check that little box each day telling me I am one step closer to my goal!

In other B90Days news, last night was the first weekly Twitter meeting for The Bible in 90 Days Challenge, and aside from a few technical difficulties on my end, it was great to chat with those who were there and to see how their journey is going thus far.  It really helped me see just how important community and accountability are to this challenge!

With this in mind, I have decided that along with the challenge of reading the Bible in 90 Days, I am also going to commit to visiting each blog that is officially participating and listed on the Mom's Toolbox sidebar in that same time frame.  I intend to personally visit each blog, introduce myself, and pray for that blogger and her family while I am there.  So far I have visited & prayed for:
5 Kids & a Dog (super cute blog design, by the way!)
A Dash of Wife and a Pinch of Motherhood (a fellow crunchy mama!)
A Quiet Heart (this is her 2nd time in the 90 days program- such encouragement!  It can't be that bad then right?!)
A Safe Haven (cool links in her sidebar!)
A Stable Beginning (She has the CUTEST daughters!  Five of them!)

Great blogs ladies!  So, if you're in the challenge and you're listed, I look forward to visiting you soon!

That's my check in for today!  Now I am off to hopefully having as successful of a day as I have had morning!  Wish me luck!  Better yet, pray for me!

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