Friday, January 8, 2010

This post may sound like more of a status update...

I have completed my day 8 reading- yes, through the 14th chapter of Leviticus.  And yes, I did get up early today, only to fall back asleep when nursing Lion Cub 45 minutes later.

Mostly though, today, I am more convinced than ever that having children has turned me into an insecure, social retard- mostly proven by my interactions with other mothers in real life.  Perhaps spending long days with little people who only speak broken English and don't realize the importance of not interrupting is finally catching up with me.

Perhaps I will elaborate more on this later, but for now I am going to attempt to consume some much needed chocolate and head for bed.

Until tomorrow...


Andi Mae said...

Sweet friend, I hope you are not referring to co-op today! Because I happen to think that you are beautiful and very articulate in conversations! :)

Nicole said...

Yeah!! I admire that you are trying to do this in the mornings. I am doing this more in the afternoons during my son's nap and it seems to be working well. I'm glad I started this challenge..but it sure is challenging! LOL
Being a mom is hard. I'm with my two year old son all day long. And while I sometimes wish I had more adult interaction throughout my day, I'm so thankful I can stay at home with him! Just remember this is a very short season of life...