Monday, February 1, 2010

Love Letter #1- February 1

Dear Love Button

Dear Jer,

I adore you for loving me, in spite of me!
I know that there are times when I drive you to the brink of near insanity,
but somehow you still love me. 
I can be annoying, and naggy, and entirely selfish,
but somehow you still love me.
I can entirely fail to meet your expectations, or worse yet, just flat out fail,
but somehow you still love me.
I can mess things up, make a mess, and look a mess,
but somehow you still love me.
I can burn dinner,
but somehow you still love me.
I can forget to wash your socks,
but somehow you still love me.
I can be wasteful,
but somehow you still love me.
 I can loose my temper, yell and scream, and even slam doors  (gasp-it's true!)
but somehow you still love me. 
You may not always like me,
but you always love me...
and I love you for that
Have a letter you would like to share?  Check out the details here & link up below! 

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