Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mama Time- Finding a New Normal

Mama Time button

Now that Lion Cub has been here for three weeks, I am working on finding a new normal for our family. Three weeks of disorganization has been enough for me- now I need to regain some order- for my sanity! After all, who can find any real Mama Time in the midst of total chaos?

My plan is multifaceted, but first includes slowly working back into my FlyLady routines and cleaning schedule- that way things don't pile up. Along with the routines I need to shape back up my Control Journal and begin scheduling a month of meals at a time again, to get us back on track with our budget and our diet (plus I find that knowing what I am going to prepare each day and having the ingredients is half the battle!).

Other things that I want to get in line are:
  • My wake-up and to-bed times
  • Planning and executing Tot-School
  • My Bible Study
  • My Garden (it may be beyond saving at this point but I at least want to try!)

For Mama Time this week I want to hear how you organize your life (cleaning, meals, routines, etc...). Do you use a particular program or something you made up yourself? What do you need to work on and what is really working for you? What worked best after you added a new babe to your family?

Once you have posted (and included the Mama Time button), just head back here and plug your direct post link into the Mr. Linky! I look forward to learning from you all on this one!

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