Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mama Time- My bloggy outlet!

Mama Time button

This week for mama time I just couldn't help but talk about one of my favorite outlets of all- BLOGGING (even if it does involve talking about my boys most of the time!)! I love blogging for so many reasons, and here are a few:
  • It gives me a voice! Sometimes I feel like my intelligence and personality get lost in the shuffle of this house full of men (two of which are 3 or under!)! But when I blog I can make things as girly as I like and hear feedback from other mamas, which is invaluable to me! Blogging helps me find "me" in a time when I am otherwise mostly focusing on others.
  • It makes me a better mom. I know this can seem debatable, as blogging can take some time away from my family, but I really believe that it makes me a better mom on a few levels- I feel better after I have spent even just a little time focusing on something I enjoy, and I learn so much about myself and how I can be better, plus everything I learn from all my bloggy mama friends!
  • I don't have to feel guilty for not scrapbooking! I used to scrapbook, but after R-Man arrived I quickly realized that pulling out all my supplies to put together a page or two simply took too much time and effort in our little life! Through blogging I am able to chronicle our lives much more quickly and in greater (and definitely more up-to-date) detail. I plan to turn my posts into scrapbooks (The Cutest Blog on the Block will soon be offering such a service) which makes me feel like I am leaving my children a legacy and something to look back on from their childhood.
So, this week for Mama Time, I want to hear:
What drives you to blog and do you think it makes a difference in the kind of mom you are?

Once you have posted about this on your own blog (and included the Mama Time Meme button in your post) head back on over here and leave the direct link to your post in the Mr. Linky! I can't wait to hear your answers! For more info about the Mama Time Meme you can check out this post! Happy Blogging!

1 comment:

Serendipityissweet said...

I am totally addicted to blogging. The more I do it, the more I like it. I have made some great friends and learned a lot about the internet, html and stuff I never thought I'd have a clue about, lol.

I agree that it is a great outlet for moms and I love that most blogging moms are extremely supportive of one another. I think it makes me a better mom too, because it's the only thing I really do for myself. It brings me joy and a joyful mommy is always better than a cranky one ;P

What a great post from a great bloggy mom!