Monday, August 24, 2009

Rose House Review

This week I will be featuring reviews for three new books from Waterbrook Press. I started reviewing for Waterbrook at the beginning of the summer and must say that I am LOVING it! I usually only buy books from authors I am familiar with, so getting to read all this new literature for review has been a great way to expand my horizons and get a taste for lots of different writing styles. Analyzing what I do and don't like about these books has also been helping me as I develop my own writing style and begin attempting to write my first fiction novel (more to come on that, I assure you!).

Now, to the book at hand- Rose House by Tina Ann Forkner. Wow, this book took me by surprise! I had actually begun reading one of the other books I was sent, but it was getting a slow start, so I picked up Rose House to give it a gander and ended up not being able to put it down! I would literally sneak out of bed late at night once Lion Cub and my husband were fast asleep so that I could read more of this book! It was filled with twists and turns, and some very difficult subject matter that I don't typically find in Christian fiction.

In spite of some very dark points that the book possessed, it never failed to have a ribbon of hope running throughout its pages. Lillian, the main character, is faced with rebuilding her life after a tragedy that takes the lives of her young family. As the book progresses, the accident that rocked her world begins to seem less like an accident as bits and pieces unfold. All the while, there is a resounding theme of beauty and art that transports you to the small town of La Roseleda, the vineyards of California, and, of course, the Rose House.

If you are looking for a suspenseful read with a little bit of romance then you should definitely pick up a copy of Rose House. You can purchase it at Random House.

Also, if you would like to blog for books published by Waterbrook Press you can check out their program right here!

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