Imagine my joy and surprise when I opened my in-box a few mornings ago to find not one, but two blog awards- one for Mama Kenz Studio and one for The World According to R-Man! I was elated!

For this blog I received a Kreative Blogger Award from Kim over at DirtyDiaperLaundry! The award comes with some instructions- I am supposed to list 7 things I love and then award it to 7 more bloggers! So here are my loves:
1. Jesus- He's done too much for me to not list him first!
2. My boys- R-Man, Lion Cub and Jer (my husband)- I won't list them separately because I won't rank them, of course!
3. My computer (and my iPhone)- my voice and my lifeline to the outside world!
4. Books- my vicarious way of living, and relaxing!
5. Chocolate! Enough said!
6. Snapple White Raspberry Tea- the most light and refreshing drink I've ever had!
7. My Camera- I love capturing all those little moments of my family that are so fleeting!
Now, to show the love to my fellow bloggy mamas, I am going to award the Kreative Blogger award to these Mamas:
Teaching My Little Bookworm
Super Heroes and Princesses
Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns
No Ordinary Moments
Little Moments
5 Silly Frogs
Teach Mama
Snag it, Post it, and CONGRATS! You are all wonderful!
Wow, thank you so much! I am so honored!
I like your list. I have never had snapple white raspberry tea; I'll have to try it! It sounds good. I love that chocolate is on your list - would definitely make mine too!
Wow! Thank you so much:) Oh and I just realized that you've been sharing Tot School stuff on your blog for your son...where have I been?! GREAT stuff! I'm starting sharing our Tot School stuff this week too...even though Noah isn't quite one yet, I figure that's ok. Anyway..thanks again for the award! I'll be working on my own list now:){
thanks so much for the award!! I have no idea how you manage to do all you do and do it so well--I'm really looking forward to reading closer and will forward your site to my pregnant, nursing, and baby-wearing pals! Ahhhh, the days!
Thank you very much for the award. I am honored. I'll try to pass it along as soon as I can :)
Thanks so much for the award and for all of your help. You are so awesome.
Thanks so much for the award!
I don't have an iphone, but LOVE my itouch!! :)
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